Signal Processing Commands barthannwin Bartlett-Hann window. besself Create a Bessel filter. besself3 Create a Bessel filter. blackman Blackman window. butter Create a Butterworth filter. buttord Design a Butterworth filter. cheb1ord Design a Chebyshev I filter. cheb2ord Design a Chebyshev II filter. chebwin Dolph-Chebyshev window. cheby1 Create a Chebyshev I filter. cheby2 Create a Chebyshev II filter. chirp Generate a chirp signal. cpsd Compute cross power spectral density. downsample Downsample a signal. dba Acoustic A-weighting function. dbb Acoustic B-weighting function. dbc Acoustic C-weighting function. dbu Acoustic U-weighting function. diric Generate the Dirichlet function. ellip Create an Elliptic filter. ellipord Design an Elliptic filter. fft Fast Fourier Transform. fft2 Two Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform. fftn N dimensional fast Fourier transform (FFT). fftshift Shift frequency spectrum related vectors to center the dc element filter Filter a signal with an IIR or FIR filter. filter2 Perform 2D FIR filtering. filtfilt Filter a signal forward and then backward, compensating for end effects. findpeaks Locate the peaks of a signal. fir1 Create a digital FIR filter. firls Create a digital FIR multi-band filter with a least squares fitting. fold Create one-sided spectrum amplitude vectors from the two-sided equivalents. freq Generate a vector of frequency locations. freqs Compute analog filter frequency response values. freqz Compute digital filter frequency response values. gauspuls Generate a sampled Gaussian modulated sinusoidal pulse centered at zero, with a specified center frequency and fractional bandwidth. hamming Hamming window. hann Hann window. ifft Inverse Fast Fourier transform. ifft2 Two-dimensional inverse fast Fourier transform. ifftn N dimensional inverse fast Fourier transform. ifftshift Shift frequency spectrum related vectors to uncenter the dc element to the first position. impz Compute the impulse response of a digital filter. invfreqs Compute analog filter coefficients from frequency response values. invfreqz Compute digital filter coefficients from frequency response values. istft Inverse Short-Time Fourier Transform. kaiser Kaiser-Bessel window. mscohere Estimates the mean squared coherence of time domain signals. parzenwin Parzen window. pulstran Generate a pulse train, with the pulse defined either by a function or a sampled pulse. pwelch Computes the power spectral density. rectpuls Generate a sampled rectangular pulse centered at zero, with a specified width. resample Resample a real signal by a rational factor using a polyphase FIR filter. sawtooth Generate a sawtooth wave with range [-1,1] and period 2*pi. square Generate a square wave with range [-1,1] and period 2*pi. sinc Compute the sinc function. stft Short-Time Fourier Transform. spectrogram Spectrogram. tfestimate Estimates the transfer function from time domain signals. tripuls Generate a sampled triangular pulse centered at zero, with a specified width and skew. unwrap Unwrap a vector of phase angles. upsample Upsample a signal. welchwin Welch window. xcorr Cross correlation.