Elementary Math Commands abs Returns the absolute value of a scalar/matrix/complex number. accumarray Array accumulation. angle Returns the phase angle of z equal to atan2(imag(z), real(z)). bi2de Converts numbers from binary or a specified base to their decimal equivalents. bin2dec Converts binary numbers to their decimal equivalents. cart2pol Converts Cartesian coordinates to polar or cylindrical. cart2sph Converts Cartesian coordinates to spherical. ceil Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to x. circshift Circular shift. complex Returns a complex number composed of real elements. conj Return the complex conjugate. cplxpair Sorts x into its ascending pairs by real part. cumprod The cumulative product of object's elements along a specified dimension. cumsum The cumulative sum of an object's elements along a specified dimension. de2bi Converts non-negative integers to their equivalents in binary or a specified base. dec2bin Converts non-negative integers to their binary equivalents. dec2hex Converts non-negative integers to their hexadecimal equivalents. diag Creates a diagonal matrix or returns the diagonal elements of a matrix on diagonal k. diff Returns a vector or matrix of differences. double Converts A into double precision type. e Symbol for the base of the natural logarithm. eps The spacing between two adjacent numbers in a given machine's floating point system, Epsilon. exp For each element of x, returns e^x. eye Returns an identity matrix. factor Returns the prime factorization of X. If two outputs are requested, returns the unique primes of X. find Returns the position of non-zero elements in a matrix. fix Rounds X down to zero. flip Returns R, which is the matrix, m, flipped along the axis, a. fliplr Returns R, which is the matrix, m, with its columns flipped left to right. flipud Returns R, which is the matrix, m, with its rows flipped from top to bottom. floor Returns the largest integer that is not greater than x. gcd Returns the greatest common deviser of the set x. hex2dec Converts hexadecimal numbers to their decimal equivalents. i The imaginary number i, such that i^2 = -1 imag Returns the imaginary component of a complex number. ind2sub Returns subscript from the linear index ind. intersect Returns the elements that are common to two sets, without duplication. ipermute Generalized reversing transpose of a matrix, using a permutation vector. isbool Determines if x is a logical value. iscomplex Determines if x is a complex value. isempty Determines if x is an empty value. isequal Compares x1,x2,... to each other; if all are equal, returns boolean value true, otherwise returns false. isglobal Returns a logical value indicating whether the input is global in scope. islogical Determines if x is a logical value. ismember Determine which elements of the first argument exist in the second argument. isprime Determines if x is a prime number. isreal Determines if x is a real number. issorted Returns true if the array x sorted by mode. By default mode is ascending. isvector Determines if x is a vector. j The imaginary number i, such that i^2 = -1. lcm Least common multiple. length Returns the length of an object's largest dimension. log Computes the natural log for each element of x. log2 Computes the base-2 logarithm of a matrix. log10 Computes the base-10 logarithm for each element of x. logical Converts x to a logical type. max Returns maximum values. min Returns minimum values. mod Returns x modulo y. ndims Returns the number of dimensions of an array. nextpow2 Computes the exponent of the smallest power of 2 that is greater than or equal to the input in magnitude. numel Returns the number of elements in x. ones Returns a matrix of ones. permute Generalized transpose of a matrix, using a permutation vector. pi Symbol for pi. pol2cart Converts polar or cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian. pow2 Computes powers of 2. primes Returns all primes up to X. prod Returns vector or matrix element products. rank Computes the rank of matrix A. rat Returns a rational approximation of the input using a continued fraction approximation. real Returns the real part of x. realmax Returns a matrix whose elements are all the largest floating point number that is representable. realmin Returns a matrix whose elements are all the smallest normalized floating point number that is representable. rem The resulting remainder of x / y. repmat Replicates an input to create a block matrix with the number of specified replications in each dimension. reshape Returns a matrix with the same elements as the input, but with reassigned dimensions. rot90 Returns R, the result of rotating matrix, m, in 90-degree succession(s). round Rounds values to specified precision. setdiff Returns the subset of the first set that does not belong to the second set. setxor Returns the elements contained in either of two sets, but not in their intersection. shiftdim Shift dimensions. sign Returns the sign of the value passed in. single Marks the given input in as a single precision data type. Single precision data can be used in the save command to write with single precision in .mat files. size Returns the size of each dimension of an object. sph2cart Converts spherical coordinates to Cartesian. sqrt Returns the square root of each element of x. squeeze Removes singular dimensions from a matrix. sub2ind Converts subscript to a linear index. sum Returns vector or matrix element sums. union Returns the elements contained in either of two sets, without duplication. unique Returns the elements of a set, without duplication. vec2mat Converts a vector, v, to a matrix with the specified number of columns, c. zeros Creates a matrix of zeros.